Bylaws are local regulatory laws that keep our city safe and moving. A bylaw is no different from any other law. It is enforceable with penalties, challengeable in court, and must comply with all other British Columbia and Canada laws.
The provincial legislations—Community Charter and Local Government Act—specify which bylaws a municipality can create. City Council establishes bylaws according to the city’s needs to regulate, prohibit or impose requirements. Burnaby’s bylaws are maintained by the Legislative Services Department.
Most of Burnaby’s bylaw violation notices are issued for offences related to vehicle parking and stopping, animal control, building and construction, licensing, noise, zoning, business regulations and management of public recreation areas.
Review our list of all current and enforceable bylaws in Burnaby—browse bylaws in alphabetical order or view examples of our most common bylaws.
Our bylaw enforcement practices are guided by the City's Bylaw Enforcement Policy.
Learn about the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw—how it regulates the development and use of land, as well as the location and use of buildings and structures within our city.
These bylaws will help you understand what can and cannot be a part of your construction or renovation project. Many of the permits issued and inspections required by the Building Department are to ensure that these bylaws are followed and enforced.
The Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw contains the primary fees and charges used by the City of Burnaby. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .
Visit Heritage Burnaby to access every bylaw adopted by our city—from its incorporation in 1892 until the present, including amended, defeated and repealed bylaws.